Recumbent bikes have been designed to accommodate seniors and their workout plans. Regular bikes are not easy to use, especially when your age does not permit them.
Old folks have trouble handling the bike and keeping it in a certain direction as it applies extra strain on joints and muscles. To avoid cramps and at the same time enjoy a healthy workout, it is best to get a recumbent bike workout for seniors.
Never Miss A Day on Your Recumbent Bike
If a senior member of your family is having trouble using a bike to shape up their muscles, worry not, as recumbent bike workout for seniors is a program that can help them in this matter. A recumbent bike workout plan allows seniors to adjust their backs and hips in such a way that there is no strain and they do not feel tired after a small session.
Workout routines for seniors would include them pumping their muscles by riding recumbent bikes all the while watching TV or listening to music. This exercise has helped a lot of senior individuals keep a good shape and have very few joint problems with time.
Recumbent Bike Workout for Seniors
There are several plans depending on the type of routine you have. If you have a plan to start off slow and just shape up your body a little bit, then you can follow the beginner workout plan.
Beginner Workout Plan
Since you would just like to start your exercise routine, it would be best to build the pace with time as it takes time to adjust.
You can start for half an hour and keep on adding a couple of minutes every day once you know you are able to handle the exercise.
A usual beginner workout begins with a slow pedaling for around 10 minutes. After this, medium pedaling speed can be tried for an extra 5 minutes.
You can then vary the intensity from medium to high by giving each one a timeframe of 5 to 10 minutes. In the end, you can try to pedal for an extra 5 minutes at low intensity.
This routine will help with memory and brain functioning in return lower blood pressure and improve the sleep cycle.
Seniors report better mood and more energy levels after exercising and recumbent bikes have so far gained a lot of fame in this spectrum.
Weight loss and reducing body fat can be achieved through a recumbent bike exercise plan as it is perfect for shaping muscles and maintaining your body figure. Higher resistance options in these bikes can help build abdominal strength.
Calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps get proper shape after pedaling and you can adjust the pedaling speed as well according to your needs.
Weight Loss Workout Plan
This is a high intensity workout plan where seniors try to shed the extra fat and calories from their system. Your resistance levels will automatically pick up with this type of plan.
You can start with low intensity pedaling for 10 minutes after which you can take it up to medium intensity for 5 minutes. You have to switch between high and medium intensity after every 5 minutes for the next half an hour. In the end, try to get done with low intensity pedaling for 10 minutes.
This type of plan will not only help improve muscle tone but also is an exceptional cardio workout. Recumbent bikes come with a reclined body position to limit the strain on bones and muscles. The lower spine and hip get easily affected while riding a bike so recumbent bikes have been designed in a way to minimize cramps, strain, and other joint issues.
The recumbent bike for elderly has pedals placed in front of the body for easy reach. They have larger seats, full back support, and a comfortable sitting position to reduce lethargy after the session.
Interval Training Workout Plan
If you are looking to build stamina and boost up your strength, then interval training plan is the plan for you. You can start this training by pedaling with low intensity for around 10 minutes.
You can then make it medium intensity pedaling for the next 10 minutes. Then you have to switch between high and low intensity after every 2 minutes for the next 20 minutes. In the end, you can do low intensity pedaling for 10 minutes.
This is the plan where seniors only get to exercise for a brief time and stretch the exercise to a longer time span. This helps them put less force on their joints and bones while getting a full body workout, especially for the lower abdomen.
More calories can be burnt in less time with the help of interval training and the best example is this exercise. If you want to give your senior family members space at home for their exercise, make sure you have a recumbent bike as a part of that fitness routine you have planned for them. This will give them an indoor experience and let them enjoy other activities while they work out.
Benefits of Recumbent Bike Workout for Seniors
This is a high intensity workout as it allows blood flow to pace through your body while you ride the recumbent bike. Your body fat, as well as heart rate, becomes optimal if you keep the routine intact.
You will see a significant improvement when it comes to health with the help of a recumbent bike exercise plan.
There are several options that can help you with your riding experience. You can change the resistance levels as well as speeds and make it a custom workout.
You can choose up and downhill options by adjusting your incline settings so that you can reach the level of workout you have planned for the day.
Never too late to get a recumbent bike for your loved ones!
Exercise is crucial for aged individuals and to keep your loved ones safe, it is best to get the equipment at home so they can exercise while staying safe. Even though jogging is a good option, it is best to get rid of that bicycle and get them the recumbent bike.
It is a hassle to watch over senior folks riding a bike outside as it is not entirely safe. You cannot risk getting them injured as such mishaps are quite common when it comes to exercising outside.
A lot of families have opted for setting up a gym for senior folks so that they can also maintain their health through exercise.
There are several benefits of making a recumbent bike a part of your fitness plan as it will shape up the body and keep the mind active as well. It can be used by anyone, so once you get it, you can let it rip!
You can adjust the speed as per your age and make sure that your body is getting the proper workout it requires. You can check for improvement after a few weeks and you can take proper feedback from the loved ones using it.
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About Author
Chris Herry has a Master’s Degree in Sports Science and has worked for fitness brands. He is a regular writer for websites and magazines. Discover his opinions and experiences in all objectivity with regard to fitness equipment, especially about a recumbent bike.