New to cardio equipment? Don’t know where or how it all works, but do you still want a good bike cardio workout!
Here are some guidelines for creating your own cardio workout training program.
These recommendations are for those who want to improve their physical condition, shape, and general health.
Not only will it help you get into better fighting trim but also reduce risk factors associated with chronic diseases!
However please note these aren’t sports preparedness tips so always consult your physician before starting any new exercise regimen.
Choose The Right Cardio Exercise Bike
What’s the difference between an upright and a recumbent bike? It’s important that you know which one will best suit your cardio cycle workout. Let me break this down.
Upright Bikes
They’re similar in function to outdoor bicycles. The pedals are positioned under the body. The upright bicycle provides an excellent bike riding cardio workout, while also strengthening your leg muscles.
Upright bikes offer the ability to ride in a standing or sitting position. They can be more difficult on your hands and wrists as they put pressure on them. The smaller seat may also make longer workouts uncomfortable for some people.
Recumbent Bike
While sitting on the recumbent bike, you can recline back into a comfortable position with an extra-large seat that is positioned behind your pedals.
The recumbent exercise bike is the best way to get your cardiovascular workout. These bikes offer a back rest so they put less stress on your upper body, joints, and lower back
The recumbent bike cardio workout is often the best option for people who have limited mobility, joint issues, or back pain. With this type of exercise device, you can spend longer periods on your bicycle for a cardio workout.
Tips For Cardio on Bike Machine
Start Session
Exercise is known to be one of the best ways for people who are looking into improving their cardiovascular health. It’s also great because it can help decrease stress levels and increase feelings of positive vibes!
Start off with 2-3 sessions per week at 60% intensity or less if you’re just starting out. That’s enough time and intensity for your body to get used to it!
You may have heard that you need to train slowly and steadily. However, don’t be intimidated, you need to go slowly in order to avoid your heart rate increasing.
As with any fitness routine, it’s important for beginners like yourself to start off easy in order not to overwhelm themselves or their bodies by pushing too hard during the beginning stages of training.
Then gradually increasing speed/endurance while keeping HR under control (which means slower). You’ll also notice how much more energized you are able to get through daily activities without running out of breath or feeling tired at all – especially after just 2 weeks.
Increase Time After a Few Weeks
Take your time and slowly increase the number of training sessions you do each week. If it’s not perfect, don’t worry about doing more! Just make sure that every session is at least 40 minutes long so there are no gaps in the fitness routine.
It’s not a good idea to increase the intensity of your training if you’re just starting out. You should first be able to practice at that level without issue before adding more difficulty and stress into things!
High-Volume Training
If you’re young and fit, then training at high volumes (up to 6-7 times per week) is no problem. You can go hard without worrying. If you don’t have enough free time, you don’t have to worry.
You can optimize your workout routine by including regular interval workouts in order to maximize benefits even if the total training volume remains lower.
Take it to The Next Level
When you feel strong enough or have done enough work in a particular session then it’s time that you step up your game.
The intensity of your cardio workout should increase slightly when you are comfortable training at 60-70% of your maximum heart rate for extended sessions.
Go to 70-80 BPM (beats per minute) and continue with this level for about one third of a total workout time period.
Overtraining is not Recommended
Going too fast for too long can lead to overtraining, which reduces your fitness level. For people who are young and in good health, it is possible to train at even higher intensities.
But they should take care of their bodies. This might reduce the number of mitochondria in your cells, which can be harmful to your health.
Safely Incorporate High-Intensity Workloads
The key to incorporating high-intensity workloads safely is important to keep exercising at 60 – 70% of your maximum Bpm for 50 – 60 percent (or more) of total weekly volume.
Don’t exceed 30-40% of the total volume with loads of 70-80% of the maximum Bpm.
Sprint Maximum Speed
Sprinting at 80-90% of your maximum speed is the best way to get fit and healthy. However, don’t take this step to represent more than 8%-12% of what you do in an average day!
However, if you’re training at 90-100% of your maximum frequency then those intensities should not represent more than 3%.
Click Here to See Our Best Commercial Recumbent Bikes
High-intensity Interval Training or HIIT
High-intensity interval training or HIIT has been shown to be effective for improving both health and fitness levels. The intensity of the workout varies depending on how long you do each type.
Shorter exercise bike cardio workouts are more intense than longer ones, which provide greater benefits in a shorter amount of time.
HIIT can do a lot for you, from improving your overall cardiovascular health to helping lower blood pressure and sugar levels. It also helps burn fat while building muscle mass!
The use of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in fitness routines can lead to overtraining if it is not properly matched with your physical abilities.
Here is a safe and effective training regimen for the general population:
Go Hard
Go as hard and fast as you can for 15 seconds, then slow down. This will allow your body time to recover from the intense activity without risking high levels of lactic acid.
This could cause fatigue or muscle soreness later in the day! The short amount of rest between rounds helps keep the heart rate normal.
Take a Break
You should rest for at least 45 seconds after each set. You can extend the break to 1-2 minutes if needed.
But make sure you train slowly so that your body has enough time to recover and be ready for another round of intense exercise!
Gradually Increase Sessions
You can do 5-6 such cycles once or twice per week. If you have time, gradually increase how often they are until there are 15 sessions total!
Mix with Regular Exercise Routine
You should mix HIIT in with your regular exercise routine, not as a substitute for it. It will help you reach the goals of better health and fitness faster.
See All Our Recumbent Cross Trainer for Seniors